Cursillo Terms

Glossary of Cursillo Terms



An intensive three-day course in Christianity; the word itself referring not to a course of study in school, but rather to a short race or ship’s course.

A long boring sermon, read from a roll of paper (from which the name is derived.) In reality, one of a series of 15 short, interesting talks. Each one emphasizes an aspect of the overall message of the weekend. 


One who has "made" a Cursillo Weekend, who has participated in the festivities of the Three Days.


The person giving the rollo.

de colores

The words of the song are an expression of joy and a celebration of all creation with its many bright colors, which include the rooster! The title of the song is often used as a greeting within the Cursillo community. De Colores!


Traditionally, this was a special morning greeting in song for special occasions, such as a birthday. It now refers to the gifts of flowers and song offered to candidates on the final day. 


Literally to "lean" or "to be a lever," allowing a person to move or accomplish something otherwise beyond his or her strength. Palanca is the prayer and sacrifice offered to God on behalf of the new Cursillistas before and during the weekend. 


The name of a larger meeting of the small groups for sharing and community support, and also a word of encouragement. Ultreya! a greeting used originally in Spain when meeting fellow pilgrims, meaning "forward, onward, or keep going," encourages us to continue our Christian walk.

The "servers" on each weekend team responsible to hold up the weekend in prayer, and keep the camp clean, orderly, and organized. These volunteers serve, clean, pray, sing, entertain, and amuse.


A ceremony marking the “closing of the separation” between the Weekend Cursillo Community and the larger Cursillo Community, not simply the end of a Three Day Weekend.
